---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: CHAN Chiu-wai <chanchiuwai@gmail.com>
Date: 2009/5/1
Subject: 勞工世界網站已經開通!WOL Website Launched Today!
From: CHAN Chiu-wai <chanchiuwai@gmail.com>
Date: 2009/5/1
Subject: 勞工世界網站已經開通!WOL Website Launched Today!
經驗與意見。我們會定時上載來自兩岸三地以及國際關於工人運動、政治經 濟、文化思潮及企業監督之文章,並
從中推薦具代表性文章翻譯,讓 不同語系之讀者也能獲悉世界的工運訊息。
.工盟團結報08年12月號的大標題文章:拒絕官商趁火打劫 工人團結抗海嘯
爭議。勝華所屬的東莞萬士達科技,於上週五爆發7000人規模的大罷工,雖然目前罷工暫時結束,但員工的情緒浮動,仍有隨時爆發的可 能。
.金融風暴下勞工運動如何回應?我們翻譯了德国服务业总工会(ver.di)联邦委 員会政策和规划部门负责人 Wolfgang
Uellenberg-van Dawen这篇文章:
Dear all
China Labor Net is now ready for access: http://www.worldlabour.org/eng/

The aim of this website is to facilitate sharing of information,
experiences and opinion of the labour movement between China, Taiwan,
Hong Kong and the rest of the world. We will regularly upload
articles on the workers’ movement, political economy, cultural
thinking and monitoring of corporations from this region and from
other areas.
We have posted the following articles to the website:
May Day Rally March: For Livelihood; Oppose Exploitation; Fight Tsunami
May Day Appeal of Confederation of Trade Unions, Hong Kong
Realities of China today
Martin Hart-Landsberg is Professor of Economics and Director of the
Political Economy Program at Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon
Many on the left also believe that China may soon be capable of
anchoring an alternative international economic system, thereby
offering other countries the opportunity to reduce their dependence on
the current U.S. dominated system and pursue their own independent
development strategies. Unfortunately, as argued below, there is no
justification for this positive perspective on the Chinese
Conditions of the Working Classes in China
Robert Weil
Monthly Review 2006 June Volume 58, Number 2
This article is based primarily on a series of meetings with workers,
peasants, organizers, and leftist activists that I participated in
during the summer of 2004, together with Alex Day and another student
of Chinese affairs. It is part of a longer paper that is being
published as a special report by the Oakland Institute…….
You can also access many other articles posted in the website as well.
Since the work has just begun please aware that there are still
columns which are under construction.
Editorial Board of China Labour Net
.工盟團結報08年12月號的大標題文章:拒絕官商趁火打劫 工人團結抗海嘯
爭議。勝華所屬的東莞萬士達科技,於上週五爆發7000人規模的大罷工,雖然目前罷工暫時結束,但員工的情緒浮動,仍有隨時爆發的可 能。
.金融風暴下勞工運動如何回應?我們翻譯了德国服务业总工会(ver.di)联邦委 員会政策和规划部门负责人 Wolfgang
Uellenberg-van Dawen这篇文章:
Dear all
China Labor Net is now ready for access: http://www.worldlabour.org/eng/
The aim of this website is to facilitate sharing of information,
experiences and opinion of the labour movement between China, Taiwan,
Hong Kong and the rest of the world. We will regularly upload
articles on the workers’ movement, political economy, cultural
thinking and monitoring of corporations from this region and from
other areas.
We have posted the following articles to the website:
May Day Rally March: For Livelihood; Oppose Exploitation; Fight Tsunami
May Day Appeal of Confederation of Trade Unions, Hong Kong
Realities of China today
Martin Hart-Landsberg is Professor of Economics and Director of the
Political Economy Program at Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon
Many on the left also believe that China may soon be capable of
anchoring an alternative international economic system, thereby
offering other countries the opportunity to reduce their dependence on
the current U.S. dominated system and pursue their own independent
development strategies. Unfortunately, as argued below, there is no
justification for this positive perspective on the Chinese
Conditions of the Working Classes in China
Robert Weil
Monthly Review 2006 June Volume 58, Number 2
This article is based primarily on a series of meetings with workers,
peasants, organizers, and leftist activists that I participated in
during the summer of 2004, together with Alex Day and another student
of Chinese affairs. It is part of a longer paper that is being
published as a special report by the Oakland Institute…….
You can also access many other articles posted in the website as well.
Since the work has just begun please aware that there are still
columns which are under construction.
Editorial Board of China Labour Net
常坤 Chang Kun
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